P.O. Box 1002
Postal Code 112, Ruwi
Sultanate Of Oman.
Phone: (+968) 24 705 305
Fax: (+968) 24 782 801
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Sunil Kohli has worked in the insurance industry in various capacities for over 27 years. He last served as the Head – Reinsurance and Liability Underwriting at Reliance General Insurance Company in India. Prior to that he was the General Manager of Jubilee Insurance Company Ltd. In Kenya.
Mr. Al Shaikh holds an MBA from the University Of Southern Colorado, USA and Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Management from the same university. Mr. Al Shaikh was a finance director of Shanfari and Partners Co. LLC from 2001 to 2013 and currently serves as Chairman of Financial Services Co. SAOG, Director, Dhofar International Development & Investment Co. SAOG and Omani Vegetables Oil & Derivatives Co. LLC.
Mr. Ibrahim Jubair is professionally qualified as Corporate Lawyer, in-House Legal Advisor with work experience of over 21 years’ experience in Sultanate of Oman, he served as Head of Legal & Compliance in many Public Stock Companies. Oman Orix Leasing SAOG and Al Madina Investment SAOG.
Sekar Venkatachalam brings with him an experience of over 23 years and has worked extensively in life insurance and general insurance segment. Prior to joining the company, he was associated with Royal Sundaram General Insurance Company, India, as Chief Financial Officer.
He was also associated with SBI Life Insurance Company, Cholamandalam MS General Insurance Company during 2001 to 2012. Sekar Venkatachalam is a qualified chartered accountant and cost accountant.
Mr. Ayub holds a master’s degree in social science and is a law graduate. He started his professional career with the Company in 1990 and is currently the deputy general manager Reinsurance. Under his leadership the department has been able to design strong and profitable reinsurance program support by top rated reinsurance markets to protect the Company.
Mr. Ayub has successfully built a cordial relationship with underwriters representing leading reinsurance companies in the regional and global marketing.
Mr. Rao has over 30 years of experience in the General Insurance industry in various capacity. Mr. Rao’s previous employments include United India Insurance Company, in India and the Company for Co-Operative Insurance (Tawuniya) in KSA. Mr. Rao is focused on the development of commercial lines of business in the Company.
Mr. Mathi Annadurai is an Insurance Techno Functional Professional who holds more than 19 years of experience in Project Management, Insurance Product development, Customization, Maintenance and Customer Support. In his previous role, he has been IT Application Development Manager at Saudi Arabian Co-operative Insurance Company (SAICO) and Senior Manager at 3i Infotech.
Kamla is an MBA holder from the University of Bedfordshire with 16 years of experience working with major national and international multicultural organizations. Kamla is an experienced HR practitioner with a solid and demonstrated history of working in various industries and HR areas. She is skilled in Human Resources, Compensation & Benefits, HR Policies, Performance Management, Team Building and Relationship Skills.
Kamla’s vast experience includes working for leading organizations such as Petrofac Oman, Qalhat LNG, National Aluminum Products, and Maritime Industrial Products. Aside from her HR expertise, Kamla also hold a High National Diploma in Marketing and has an experience in the field being a Corporate Communication Manager for Global Oman Dev. and Inv. and Operations Manager for Dekra Oman.
Mukesh Jawaharani is Fellow Chartered Accountant with 20+ years of experience in Internal Audit, Fraud Investigations, Compliance, IT Audits, Information security, Computer Forensics and Enterprise Risk Management. He has worked in Life Insurance, General Insurance, Banking and Lending (NBFC). His past experience with companies includes ICICI Prudential Life Insurance, Bajaj Finance Group (NBFC, Life and General) and Liberty General. He is also qualified as CIA, CISA, DISA and CHFI
Rohit comes with a rich experience of 27 years in handling back office operations and customer services across various Life , Medical and General Insurance companies Prior to joining Dhofar Insurance Company he has worked as Head of Customer Services and Operations in Bharti Axa General Insurance Company in India.
Professional experience of more than 23 year in the insurance sector with managerial capacity in financial sector, and with a master‘s Degree in business administration from University of Strathclyde & Cert CII. Involved in the development of strategical business in the insurance market, the development is in technical, and financial in the field of insurance.
يحمل الفاضل الشيخ ماجستير إدارة الأعمال في جامعة ساذرن كلورادو باولايات المتحدة الأمريكية و بكالوريوس العلوم في إدارة الأعمال متخضضاً في الادارة من نفس الجامعة. و كان المدير المالي لشركة الشنفري و شركاؤه ش.م.ع.ع. من 2001 الى 2013 و يعمل حالياً رئيساً لمجلس إدارة شركة الخدمات المالية ش.م.ع.ع. و نائب الرئيس التنفيذي في شركة ظفار للتأمين ش.م.ع.ع. و عضو في مجلس إدارة شركة ظفار الدولية للتنمية و الاستثمار ش.م.ع.ع. و الشركة العمانية للزيوت النباتية و مشتقاتها. و عمل الشيخ في بنك صحار ش.م.ع.ع. كرئيس للجنة إدارة المخاطر و عضو في لجنة التدقيق بمجلس الادارة.
Mukesh Jawaharani is Fellow Chartered Accountant with 20+ years of experience in Internal Audit, Fraud Investigations, Compliance, IT Audits, Information security, Computer Forensics and Enterprise Risk Management. He has worked in Life Insurance, General Insurance, Banking and Lending (NBFC). His past experience with companies includes ICICI Prudential Life Insurance, Bajaj Finance Group (NBFC, Life and General) and Liberty General. He is also qualified as CIA, CISA, DISA and CHFI
Kamla is an MBA holder from the University of Bedfordshire with 16 years of experience working with major national and international multicultural organizations. Kamla is an experienced HR practitioner with a solid and demonstrated history of working in various industries and HR areas. She is skilled in Human Resources, Compensation & Benefits, HR Policies, Performance Management, Team Building and Relationship Skills.
Kamla’s vast experience includes working for leading organizations such as Petrofac Oman, Qalhat LNG, National Aluminum Products, and Maritime Industrial Products. Aside from her HR expertise, Kamla also hold a High National Diploma in Marketing and has an experience in the field being a Corporate Communication Manager for Global Oman Dev. and Inv. and Operations Manager for Dekra Oman.
Mr. Mathi Annadurai is an Insurance Techno Functional Professional who holds more than 19 years of experience in Project Management, Insurance Product development, Customization, Maintenance and Customer Support. In his previous role, he has been IT Application Development Manager at Saudi Arabian Co-operative Insurance Company (SAICO) and Senior Manager at 3i Infotech.
ادى راو خبرة غنية لأكثر من 30 سنة في التأمين العام في مختلف الوظائف في شركة يونايتد إنديا انشورانس ليميتد و كذلك التعاونية للتأمين بالمملكة العربية السعودية و ساهم بمهاراته الفنية في التسويق في تطوير الانشطة التجارية بالشركة.
يحمل أيوب درجة ماجستير في العلوم الإجتماعية و هو خريج قانون. بدأ حياته المهنية مع الشركة في عام 1990 و يعمل حالياً نائباً للمدير العام لإعادة التأمينز تمكنت الدائرة تحت قيادته من وضع برنامج متين و مربح لإعادة التأمين مدعوم بأفضل أسواق إعادة التأمين لحماية الشركة. و قام أيوب ببناء علاقات ودية مع مكتتبين يمثلون أكبر شركات إعادة التأمين في الأسواق الإقليمية و العالمية.
Sekar Venkatachalam brings with him an experience of over 23 years and has worked extensively in life insurance and general insurance segment. Prior to joining the company, he was associated with Royal Sundaram General Insurance Company, India, as Chief Financial Officer.
He was also associated with SBI Life Insurance Company, Cholamandalam MS General Insurance Company during 2001 to 2012. Sekar Venkatachalam is a qualified chartered accountant and cost accountant.
الفاضل / ابراهيم جبيرمؤهل مهنيًا كمحامي شركات ومستشار قانوني داخلي بخبرة تزيد عن 21 عامًا في سلطنة عمان،وشغل منصب مدير الدائرة القانونية والالتزام في العديد من الشركات المساهمة العامة. مثل شركة اوريكس للتأجير ش م ع ع وشركة المدينة للاستثمار ش م ع ع .
Mukesh Jawaharani is Fellow Chartered Accountant with 20+ years of experience in Internal Audit, Fraud Investigations, Compliance, IT Audits, Information security, Computer Forensics and Enterprise Risk Management. He has worked in Life Insurance, General Insurance, Banking and Lending (NBFC). His past experience with companies includes ICICI Prudential Life Insurance, Bajaj Finance Group (NBFC, Life and General) and Liberty General. He is also qualified as CIA, CISA, DISA and CHFI
Kamla is an MBA holder from the University of Bedfordshire with 16 years of experience working with major national and international multicultural organizations. Kamla is an experienced HR practitioner with a solid and demonstrated history of working in various industries and HR areas. She is skilled in Human Resources, Compensation & Benefits, HR Policies, Performance Management, Team Building and Relationship Skills. Kamla’s vast experience includes working for leading organizations such as Petrofac Oman, Qalhat LNG, National Aluminum Products, and Maritime Industrial Products. Aside from her HR expertise, Kamla also hold a High National Diploma in Marketing and has an experience in the field being a Corporate Communication Manager for Global Oman Dev. and Inv. and Operations Manager for Dekra Oman.
Mr. Mathi Annadurai is an Insurance Techno Functional Professional who holds more than 19 years of experience in Project Management, Insurance Product development, Customization, Maintenance and Customer Support. In his previous role, he has been IT Application Development Manager at Saudi Arabian Co-operative Insurance Company (SAICO) and Senior Manager at 3i Infotech.
Mr. Rao has over 30 years of experience in the General Insurance industry in various capacity. Mr. Rao’s previous employments include United India Insurance Company, in India and the Company for Co-Operative Insurance (Tawuniya) in KSA. Mr. Rao is focused on the development of commercial lines of business in the Company.
Mr. Sunil Kohli has worked in the insurance industry in various capacities for over 27 years. He last served as the Head – Reinsurance and Liability Underwriting at Reliance General Insurance Company in India. Prior to that he was the General Manager of Jubilee Insurance Company Ltd. In Kenya.
Mr. Ayub holds a master’s degree in social science and is a law graduate. He started his professional career with the Company in 1990 and is currently the deputy general manager Reinsurance. Under his leadership the department has been able to design strong and profitable reinsurance program support by top rated reinsurance markets to protect the Company.
Mr. Ayub has successfully built a cordial relationship with underwriters representing leading reinsurance companies in the regional and global marketing.
Sekar Venkatachalam brings with him an experience of over 23 years and has worked extensively in life insurance and general insurance segment. Prior to joining the company, he was associated with Royal Sundaram General Insurance Company, India, as Chief Financial Officer.
He was also associated with SBI Life Insurance Company, Cholamandalam MS General Insurance Company during 2001 to 2012. Sekar Venkatachalam is a qualified chartered accountant and cost accountant.
Mr. Ibrahim Jubair is professionally qualified as Corporate Lawyer, in-House Legal Advisor with work experience of over 21 years’ experience in Sultanate of Oman, he served as Head of Legal & Compliance in many Public Stock Companies. Oman Orix Leasing SAOG and Al Madina Investment SAOG.
Mr. Al Shaikh holds an MBA from the University Of Southern Colorado, USA and Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Management from the same university. Mr. Al Shaikh was a finance director of Shanfari and Partners Co. LLC from 2001 to 2013 and currently serves as Chairman of Financial Services Co. SAOG, Director, Dhofar International Development & Investment Co. SAOG and Omani Vegetables Oil & Derivatives Co. LLC.